Saturday, April 30, 2011


ME: good afternoon ma'am!
COUNSELOR: (*smiles) so do you want to be a teacher?
M: yes ma'am :)
C: why did you choose secondary than elementary?
M: because i am well aware that high school students are already responsible of taking care of them selves. in that way -- i don't have to take much attention of taking care of them ...
C: (*laughs) ok. so --why do you want to be a teacher?
M: because ever since i was a child,  i can't imagine any profession that is fit for me. 
C: okay --why did you choose science as your major, well in fact your score in scence is low?
M: because, when i was still in 2nd year, we had a biology subject and my grades were really good. and the questions in the entrance exams were all about general science --which. i learned when i was still in grade school. i already forgot about them. (*laughs)
C: (*laughs) well you have to work about that ok?
M: ok ma'am.
C: ok. from her you go to the education building ---blah blah blah. when is your orientation?
M: june 1 -3, 2009.
C: (*glares)
M: 2011.
C: (*laughs) ok. good luck!

okaaay-- 2009. hahahah !!!! xD lol. 

     ♥ ♥ tine