Wednesday, March 30, 2011
horray to the new pair.
just this afternoon, mama bought this new pair of shoes for my graduation. mom's not really into closed shoes because she doesn't feel comfortable whenever she uses one. she just bought it because she's just using these for hours in my graduation ceremony. so she told me that right after graduation, the shoes will be under my custody. bwahaha ! good thing, we have the same sizes. xDD the shoes are pretty pretty pretty. looks really elegant and fits to any dress or whatever since the color is black. whooo~ a new blessing :) THANK YOU LORD !!
♥ ♥ tine
Posted by Christine :) at 6:14 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
just this morning, i went over my tumblr account to reblog some photos. while i was scrolling down in my dashboard i saw this tumblr blogger answering situational questions. i thought that maybe i could ask for her opinion about my current problem. so i began typing in her ask box without expecting that she would answer. sooo~ i left my tumblr accout and went off to do something else. when i got back, i went to her page right away to if she replied. and alas! she did. bwahahaha. here's what she said about the thing~
* try clicking over the picture to read it clearly :DD
hmmm~ after reciveing that thing~ i went on thanking huuur about it and here it goes.
♥ ♥ tine
Posted by Christine :) at 10:31 PM 0 comments
this is IT !
due to the anxiety i've been feeling about my course, i haven't paid much attention to my weight T.T it has already been 5 weeks and 5 days since class has been officially over. blaaaaah~ well, if you could probably observe in the first few days right after class was over, i was worried about my weight. like i blog much about how worried i was. HAHA. well you can't really blame me. my appetite is really HIGH which probably means that i can't can't can't resist food. xDD i went to school today because we had to attend the recognition, and the usual thing happens. meet my peers and greet the people around. okay~ upon greeting "those people" around i didn't know that they observed one common thing. which is yeah~ they said that i GAINED WEIGHT. well, they didn't actually do the scientific measure to know whether i gained or something~ it was just a mere observation. i didn't take their observstion as "offensive" because i actually i observed the same thing too (when i face the mirror everyday). LOL. knowing that everyone is noticing the thing~ i can't just ignore it. i have to do something about it. HAHA !!! for the nth time, i'll try on dieting and exercising. HAHA. won't screw up this time. this is so gonna be it.
here's what i'm gonna dooo.
i actually have this dietitian who WILL BE monitoring the things that i'm gonna eat in every meal. he's really strict that's why i'm pretty confident about this. bwahaha. can't believe i'm so serious. xDD okay. about the meals, i'll minimize the rice. bohoooohooh. (this is so sad) hmmm. nothing dairy except for milk. i'll be eating a lot of fresh fruits. drop down the sweets and fatty foods. no to soft drinks and dissolved powdered juice. just water. during snack time, NO junk foods and other foods that has a high sodium content will be taken. (saddest part) only bread. bread with no butter and sugar. just plain bread. hmm. eat a lot in breakfast and less in dinner. whoo~ move a lot. dance dance dance. run run run. walk walk walk. spin in circles and all xDD haha. do anything that can be kapoi. HAHA ! gosh. what else?? hmmmmm. keep your self away from the fridge. whooo~ HAHA !!!! and lastly, i'll be allowing my self to pig out, only on SATURDAYS. no excuses xDD if i'll fail~ i'll jump off any bridge that is available. bwahhaha. just kidd'n if ever i'll fail on this. i'll try again someday. bwahahah !!!! that statement made everything appear like it doesn't make sense at all. bwahah. but yeah~ i'm pretty serious this time. sooo~ this is it?!
GO ME :)
♥ ♥ tine
Posted by Christine :) at 8:47 AM 0 comments
oh gosh T.T
still can't decide whether i'll be pursuing on biological science as my major or not.. ughh~ last night my sister and i had a talk about college stuff. i compared her prospectus to mine and i found out that the subjects that she took are just similar to what i will be taking. she's actually a nursing graduate (already) just this month. blaaahhh~ good for her. so --- going back to our conversation. hmmm~ she told me that akong prospectus kai super daw ka similar sa BS BIO and ingon pod cya na chemistry is really hard. and i have three chemistries in line (organic chem. inorganic chem and bio chem) O.O noooo~ i hate chem. gosh! ambot ambot ambot. tssssskk~ i'm so confused. ughhh. pero if i'll give my all in studying, sharo bsad ma fail pjud ko. ughhh~ ambot jd. gosh. mamatay nako ani. i REALLY REALLY don't wanna shift. :(((( oh shoot. pero feel nako i'm going for it. AHHHHH! mamatay nako. dapat akong decision ani na thing kai sakto najud. my future LIFE and CAREER is at stake. T.T pulubi gyud ko sa future kung mag pataka ko'g kuha sa akong course. HAHA. nabuang najud ko oie. i think too much. forgive me kung overboard ra. PERO duuuuh~ big deal jud ni para sako. HAHA !
level of anxiety = 100% O.O
Oh God help me make up my mind. give me THE sign.
♥ ♥ tine
Posted by Christine :) at 5:37 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 27, 2011
a good day for cleaning.
the title speaks for the whole blog itself. haha. but just to elaborate it, i'll do a lot of babbling AGAIN. HAHA. please bear with me. xDD
hmmm~ last week was a really hectic week for me. i went to school for year book pictorials and a lot of preparations were made for my sister's graduation. we had to go out from the house to find good clothes and shoes and whatever. soo. since i was pretty busy, i paid no attention to my room already. whoo~ i tossed my stuff everywhere and last night, while i was changing my clothes, i was SHOCKED on how my room was.hugaaaaaaaaw na kaayo. mura na cya'g gi agian ug tsunami. xDD so, just this mornig, specifically right after the mass, i decided to clean up the mess i made. xDD
i took some detailed pictures. of how dirty my room is :))

Posted by Christine :) at 5:34 AM 0 comments
my sister's graduation.
yesterday was my sister's graduation day :)
i woke up very early because mama was in the mood of exercising. ugh! but i was in the opposite mood >< she thought that mabe we could walk all the way from home to my aunt's house. it was REALLY far. nag sakit gyud akong bagtak. tsssk. then when we arrived in my aunt's house she offered us breakfast. it was hard to refuse xDD sooo~ dili ra japon to matawag na exercise kai nag kaon jpn mi. grbe ka ugh. HAHA !
and as promised, mom and i went to the city to hunt for the good shoes that i was finding since yesterday. i had a lot of choices but STILL the right size isn't available. wa nai mas maka ulit pa ana? tsssskk. then~ i had no choice but to choose this.
Posted by Christine :) at 2:17 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 25, 2011
BSEd major in biological science.
Posted by Christine :) at 6:16 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 21, 2011
ookay T.T
screw that happiness thing above. i'm not feeling happy right now.
i'm actually waiting for something to happen.
i've been praying for it for quite some time already. ughhhh !!! it makes me really unhappy because i know that the thing that i am talking about is not happening any sooner. and what's worse is. i can't do anything about it. T.T i feel so hopeless alreadyyy. why do i have to suffer from this?!?! tsssssk~
ngano man. ngano man. ngano man. ngano man. ngano man. ngano man. ngano man. ngano man. ngano man. ngano man. ngano man. ngano man. ngano man. ngano man. ngano man. ngano man. ngano man.?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?
i feel like crying alreadyyy !!! T.T
sometimes, i forget about this thing because i sometimes feel that things are getting better day by day. but my feelings always fail me T.T i keep on expecting that it's gonna happen soon. T.T but it ISN'T !!!!!!! this is sooo not good ! haaaaaayyys ~ maybe i have to pray DOUBLE TIME. i know God hears me. but maybe his answer is NOT YET. aiiigoooo~ T.T
♥ ♥ tine
Posted by Christine :) at 4:21 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 20, 2011
dealing with food AGAIN.
I’m hungry. ”I NEED food!”
Grab a bread, fried bananas, oreos, and a glass of milk
After all the food is gone: “Omg I am so fat. I am going on a diet!”
Posted by Christine :) at 5:17 AM 0 comments
long time no blogging :)) HAHA. i haven't been busy. i just don't feel like blogging. i guess there's nothing in my mind that is worth blogging. :) HAHAHA! this thing i'm gonna post now is still a senseless thing. xDD forgive me. i just feel blogging right now. HAHA.
last night i received a very aggrivating message in facebook. the message was like, "i know something about you" blah blah blah. it was from someone. the moment that i read the message, my eyes were like O.o and i was like, why the effin hell does he inform me about this? do i even care? ughhhh! i'm so pissed off. MURA CYA'G KALAY !!!!! >< ughhhhhh! actually, friends man mi ani nga tao before. but when katong naa cya'y gi pangayo na favor, (i don't know if i should call this favor, basta the person i'm talking about asked me something that involved the two simple answers: YES and NO) i said NO and nasuko siya sako. DUUUUUH?!?! murag kalay! gi ignan dayon ko niya ug harsh words like bugok and all. ughhhh! murag bata. smok kei siya!!! i blocked that person in facebook so that he will stop annoying me. GOSH! unfortunate kaayo cya na inana cya ug personality. i pity him.
ughhhhh!!!! >< okayyy~ looking on the brighter side ~ HAHA !!!
jukir dayon kaayo to akong former crush na sakristan kai bungol bungol man diay xDD HAHA!!
Posted by Christine :) at 2:07 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 18, 2011
i'm home alone.
my sister is out for her senior's night and my mom is also out with her friend. i was supposed to come along with them but i thought that maybe i could make more fun here (alone) than joining some talks that i couldn't relate to~ HAHAHA! i'm a bit bored here and i couldn't think of anything to doo~ i was supposed to watch WGM all over again but i'm still waiting for the videos to load. so maybe i'll just blog while waiting. xDD
last night i dreamt about my dad. it was really a nice dream. the setting was in the school~ then, one of my classmates told me that my parents were looking for me. and i was like WHAT? HAHA. i was expecting that they were riding the car and blah blah blah. but while i was on my way to somewhere i saw my dad walking towards our class room. and i was then like PAPA!!!!!! i ran to him and embraced him and all. then after that thing~ he invited me to have lunch with him but it was really unusual because we RAN. yes. we ran from school to somewhere in divisoria. we ran on high speed. pero i wasn't feeling tired because i was really happy with him~ O.o weird gyud kaayo. HAHA !!!! then~ when i woke up i told my mama that i dreamt about papa. and she told me that she also did. whuuuuuuuut? O.o supuuuuuur weird !!!! but her dream was different from mine though~ thenn. when my sister woke up, i asked her if what was her dream about, then she told me that it was about our driver. xD HAHAHA !!!!! the driver we had before when mama was still not that expert in driving. then i told her that i dreamt about papa. and she was like, "AY OO! NAG DREAM POD KO NI PAPA! KATONG PAG BALIK NAKOG SLEEP" whuuuuuut? HAHA! i was really feeling weirder and weirder. then i became worried for some reasons~ i asked mama if i could use her load to call papa, and then she agreed. my sister and i were really worried~ HAHA !!!!
thennn~ when we called him .....
his phone was ringing but no one is answering. we tried to call him for like several times but still~ no one answers. right after breakfast, we tried to call him again and this time he answered. HAHA !!!! WE WERE THEN SO RELIEVED~
we told him about the thing and ang iyang first na comment kai "GRABI SAD MO OIE!" HAHAHA! he was laughing at us~ XDD whoooo~ weird weird weird.
♥ ♥ tine
Posted by Christine :) at 4:06 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 17, 2011
sa jabeeeeee :D
i went out of the house to meet charlyn in the ever famous fast food chain here in our country. xDD (jollibee) HAHA. i was supposed meet her in their house but she made some excuses and asked me to meet her in the said food chain. soooo~ i kind'a agreed because she told me that she's gonna treat me for snacks or something. xDD whooo~ while i was on my way to the place, i was thinking that maybe ruth could also join us since her house is just blocks away form jollibee xDD she was really confusing because at first she told us that she can't dine with us since she was feeling tired and whatsoever. xDD then~ minutes after she sent that text message, she withdrew her decision xDD HAHA!
we spent the whole afternoon talking about random things that pops out of our minds xDD HAHA! we began of telling charlyn the things that she missed yesterday~ and the other things followed. most of it was about college stuff. i realized that the two girls that i was talking to, was still not sure of their college courses. xD HAHA. they are really confused about what course to take. sooo~ we began discussing the advantages and disadvantages of this course and that course. xD HAHA ! we also talked about the graduation gifts that we want to receive, the routine we do everyday, and we also realized that faith is turning eighteen this year. (seee? so random) HAHAHA !!! and the moment that we realized that she is turning eighteen, we were like, O.O HALA! MAG DEBUT NA SI FAITH! HAHA!!!! it's just soo hard to believe. we wre repeating that thing for like three times xD HAHA !! xDD hmmm. my peers are really like no other xDD when we talk about stuff, dugay gyud mi mahuman and everyone has this something to babble about. HAHA !!! :DD
we stayed there for about two to three hours. and in those hours, boredom never went my waay xDD
you just gotta WORK THE TALK XDD
♥ ♥ tine
Posted by Christine :) at 7:27 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
tears T.T
it's my dad's birthday today, but we don't get to celebrate with him because he is currently in the sea~ sooo, my mom decided to call my dad through phone and greet him (something like that). They talked about some stuff for a while and then mama passed the phone to me. i was pretty excited in hearing his voice again because i havn't heared him for weeks because of some signal problems. i greeted him and told him the things that he missed while he wasn't here at home. i also bragged that i am going to graduate. and he told me that he was so happy for me. T.T i was so touched because he sounded so happy. i guess he is so proud of me and my sister as well since we are both graduating this school year. waaaaaah~ i really stopped my self from crying because i was afraid that he might notice. ugh! nag iLOVEyou na dayon ko and handed the phone to my mom. nangutana dayon si papa kung nag cry badaw ko. honest pod kaayo ni si mama kai iyang gi ingon kang papa na nag cry ko. tssssssk.i'm really sad that i don't get to hug him in his birthday. ughhhhhh !!!! before the call ended, he told mama that he MIGHT be here for our graduation :)) and that's something that cheered me up ^^ iMISS papa so much~ tsssssk! maka recover rako. HEHEHE.
Posted by Christine :) at 2:49 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 14, 2011
Ferrari baybeeh xDD
okaaaay~ i don't know how to start ths. HAHA !!! well~ maybe just like this~ hmmm. my mama drove my sister to XU and i was with them. well i mean~ i rode in the back seat too~ HAHA !!! xDD ugh! i am soo tounge tied. hmm~ i was really bored in the back seat since the weather was really humid and it made me feel dizzy. so i was like not in the mood to join the conversation my mom and my sister was currently having. NOT UNTIL a driver made my mom conscious about her driving by overtaking our car. when he made it through the over taking thing and made his way in front of our car, my sister and i were like WOAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! FERRARI!!!!!!! xDDD mehnnn~ it was a shining red Ferrari. it's not a car that was customized to become just like a ferrari. IT WAS THE ORIGINAL ONE! whooooooo~ it was sooo shiny and it looked sooooooo COOL! damn! it was really so nice. and when the driver tried to overtake another car, the driver was really cautious on doing it xDD pwahaha! maybe he was afraid to get some scratches over his OH SO NICE car. xDD HAHAH. mehhhhnnn~ it took me soo long to recover about the car xD i kept on adoring it. ni abot nlng gud mi sa XU wa pako nahuman ug adore sa ferrari xDD hahaha. whooo~ too bad i havn't took a picture of it. xDD HAHAHA. that thing alone MADE MY DAYYYY :))))) till here~
♥ ♥ tine
Posted by Christine :) at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 13, 2011
conversations :)))
(me and ate while eating our dinner) xDD
TINE: ate ate, pag ma diabetic na si wolverine ba, kai hinay na siya mag heal~
ATE: ha? ay lage ga heels man diay na cya bah?
TINE: o.O ha?
ATE: loading ....
♥ ♥ tine
Posted by Christine :) at 5:20 AM 0 comments
cuteness ^^
We could never have loved the earth so well if we had had no childhood in it. ~George Eliot
♥ ♥ tine
Posted by Christine :) at 4:11 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 11, 2011
have no fear ~
"We are very lucky to be born in this time and age coz we will witness the comming of our Lord. :D gud evening. Fear not for i am with you says the Lord. Godbless. I love you all. Za."
okaaay~ this message is from kuya peds. this was actually a group message.a very comforting message :)) the title is then said by charlyn :D we were chatting with each other and she told me to HAVE NO FEAR ~ :DD
♥ ♥ tine
Posted by Christine :) at 4:34 AM 0 comments
beep beep (frm.papa)
a text conversation between me and my papa :>
i texted him after hearing the news about the tsunami, because i was worried of where he was.
TINE: pa, naa raka manila or nag sakay naka barko?
PAPA: naa pako manila, nag hulat sa tsunami.
TINE: hui! hulatan gyud? cge, TAKE CARE pa.
PAPA: OK no problem ~ Love you.
TINE: iLOVEyou too pa :)
whooooooo~ what a relief. papa is not in the sea right now :)
♥ ♥ tine
Posted by Christine :) at 2:29 AM 0 comments
what is happening? o.O
just lately me and my sister had a fun time in playing the computer game called plants versus zombies. Our eyes grew so tired of watching the pea plant attacking the zombies that we decided to quit the game and rest for a moment.
Before resting, my sister opened her Facebook account and in the news feed, we saw the video post of my uncle. the video was about the tsunami that happened just NOW in japan. Our television was off the whole afternoon that's why we never heard of the news ('coz if the television was turned on, we could have possibly heard about it.)
although i have no relative that resides in that place, some things still worries me~ and theres a lot of questions that are running through my mind. (what could possibly be going on to the world right now? is this the end? is this the price we have to pay for being a sinner? and etc.) T.T oh myyyyy~
days ago i have been watching the news and all i could hear are the updates about the commotion in the middle east. People are fighting and a lot of lives has already been spared. I could even recall the calamities that were spontaneously happening in the past months. oohhh~ it really bothers me. it's really hard when you can't find the answers of the questions. but then~ i TRUST GOD with all my heart and i'll try not to worry from now on. I guess i'll just prayy~ it's the least that i could do.
♥ ♥ tine
Posted by Christine :) at 1:02 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 10, 2011
yongseo couple ♥
out of boredom, i watched the series "we got married (ft. yeongseo couple)" with my sister. the episode was like they were doing a photoshoot for their wedding~ ohhh! i fell in LOVE with themmm~ HAHAH !!!! it's really so nice. and i think it's worth posting here in my blog page xD
this thing makes me wanna marry RIGHT NOW. HAHAHA !!! :D
♥ ♥ tine
Posted by Christine :) at 10:53 PM 0 comments
whuuuut o.O
last night i made a new account in tumlr. xD
i posted some pictures. HAHA ! it was perfect and all~ but just this morning i realized a lot of things~ HAHA ! it makes me wanna delete my tumbler accountS xD HAHA !!!! it's already soo mixed up. HAHA ! i don't like how it looks like. can't concentrate where to update the things~ HAHA !(should i update the new one or the old one?) o.O oooh~ !!! i'm having a headache in customizing the new and old accounts phewwwww~ maypa ang blogger kai wai problemaa xD HAHA !!! the only difference kai nice ang mga resolution sa pictures and naay ask thing sa tumblr. tssssk. >'<
♥ ♥ tine
Posted by Christine :) at 7:07 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
my memoryyyy ~
introducing .. my very own MEMORY BOX xD
hahaha !!!! and it's full already T.T
this thing is full of almost anything~ HAHA ! anything that is significant enough to help me reminisce things xD
letters, wrappers of chocolates, candies and etc, even the first tooth that has ever been ejected from my gums, identification cards (from 1st year to 4th year), exam slips, few pictures, receipts and a lot moooore~ you name it and i got it xD HAHA !!!
♥ ♥ tine
Posted by Christine :) at 9:21 PM 0 comments
just got home ~
HAHA !! okaaay~ i went to school today (yeehaaay!) HAHA! we were supposed to have a general cleaning but we weren't able to do so since college students were having an exam in our classroom. so~ intead of cleaning, we had our meeting for the up coming class outing. everyone was really noisy (including me) HAHA ! the meeting didn't actually last that long~ xDD
after the meeting~
people went off to different places with their own barkadas, i was really worried because my peers wasn't around. and it was too early for me to go home xD good thing kuya peds and mang.hud was there~ HAHA !!!! i spent the rest of the day exchanging thoughts with them~ HAHA !!! ni abot mi ug bisag unsa nga mga topic :) imagine talking with the same people for a very LONG period of time. it wasn't that boring though. ay! dili gyud siya boring. it was fun in some ways xD whooo~ ti.ulan pajud mii. HEHE. we stayed under the shade of a treeee~ feel kaayo namo na walay ulan. xDD hayyyy~ i'm gonna miss these things soon xD
thennnn~ faith and i headed our way home at exactly three o'clock. or maybe minutes after three :) idk. xD HAHAH!! while we were in the jeepney mama texted me. she asked me to accompany her to the city cathedral to attend the mass. it's actually ash wednesday today xD sooooo~ i went to the city cathedral. thenn~ after the mass we went home~ :))
what a fair dayyy :)))
NOTE: the friend that i was talking about in my previous blog already replied to mee! :DD she told me that she MISSES me too~ i'm soo HAPPY :)
♥ ♥ tine
Posted by Christine :) at 4:04 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
blogger to tumblr o.O
i went viewing some tumbler accounts and it makes me wanna shift from posting in blogger to tumblr. xD HAHA !!!! its its its because~ bsta lang xD HAHA !!!! but~ i need a handy camera if i'll be shifting to tumblr. aaand that is one big problem because i don't have one. tumbr posts are much more nice to look at if there are pictures attatched~ ohhh~ i'm so confused. but well~ i guess i'll just settle in blogger. xD HAHAHA !!! maybe i'll start saving for a camera <3 HAHA !!!!
♥ ♥ tine
Posted by Christine :) at 4:30 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 7, 2011
waaaaah~ i edited this movie poster for the film fest we had in our acalympics~ HAHHA !!! soooo proud of myself xD LOL.
♥ ♥ tine
Posted by Christine :) at 6:44 PM 0 comments
dealing with foood T.T
okaaay.. on this dayy~ i broke my diet thing. o.O
HAHAHA! its because i can't resist foood~ and i know that there are a lot of kids out there in africa or in any part of this world who wishes to eat a lot of food. and now that the food is in front of me~ i can't just reject it. HAHAHAH !!!! (REASONS!!!!!!)
today, i stayed home for the whole day~
i had fried bananas for breakfast and didn't feed my stomach with any rice :D haha !!! which was a good thing~ HAHA! i got my self busy with cleaning the house and watching some videos in facebook xD and then~ i had a working lunch in front of the computer~ HAHA ! whooo~
then~ my sister arrived from school. she wasn't in the mood to joke around. so, i went inside my room and began writing the farewell letters for my friends. i had a slight headache and then i accidentally slept~ HAHA !!! when i woke up, mama arrived and she brought LOTS of food~ ohmigasss xD HAHA!!! there was BREAD and PIZZA in the table. and my eyes were like "O.O" when i saw the mouth watering food~ HAHA !!!! i tried to ignore it but they forced me to eat~ gaaah! she even asked me to buy a liter of coke in the store near us. HAHA !
i ate A slice of the cheese and topped with bacon pizzza xD (A- means its singular. HAHA !!!) and then ate some of the bread xD HAHA !!! and drank a LITTLE amount of coke xD pwaahaha ~ everything was under control~ except for the bread. HAHA !!!
i ate a lot of them. T.T
noooow~ after eating all those stuff. it makes me wanna vomit everything. HAHAH !!!! days from now i'll be FAAAAAATER than you could ever expect! whooo~
but in every dark cloud, there's always a silver lining :)
i logged in to facebook just minutes ago and cliked over the message from God application. and here's what God wants Me to know.
On this day of your life, Christine Paula, we believe God wants you to know ... that you are beautiful. | |
Even when you feel ugly or depressed or guilty or ashamed, there is an inner spark in you which is light. This light is your beauty. This light is your reflection of God. You are a child of God, thus you are beautiful. |
God's comforting me now :))
i guess i don't have to worry MUCH about being fat. well maybe i do~ but not that MUCH :DD HAHAHA !!! MAY GOD BE PRAISED :)
♥♥ tine
Posted by Christine :) at 5:19 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 6, 2011
beep beep.
haha . xD slr .gkan ku ka0n akng tine :) pg'kaon npud ha . i love you so much :* mwah mwah :* tc and Gb.
oh my gas! HAHAHA !!!! jukir kaayo. just seconds agooo~ somebody sent me THIS message through mobile text. HAHA!! grbeh ka ugh~ pwd mamatayy? HAHA !!! XDD soooo funnny ♥
♥ ♥ tine
Posted by Christine :) at 7:28 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 5, 2011
i can already feel the boredom of summer xD ohhh~ can't believe that its already starting. HAHA! anyways. i've been attempting to make a blog post in the previous days. but i never succeeded. xDD i guess i'll do this time. HEHE.
lately ~ i have been thinking about sooo many things. HAHA. it even made me feel bad. (if you have read my previous blog, you'll know what i'm talking about.) hmmm~ i'll type it here randomly ^^
hmmm~ i miss my papa. he's the captain of some ship sailing in somewhere. and i just got the news that he won't be in my graduation. THAT! is sooo sad. :( another thing that makes me sad is the fact that i'm getting really fat. ugh! i can't resist foood~ HAHAH ! especially because i'm staying home all day. xD i get to open the fridge at any time and like get whatever i want to. this is one serious problem. HAHA !! i gotta control my eating habit NOW. as in NOW! xDD bwahaha ! i wonder why i'm registered to unlimited texting every single day. HAHAH! wala raba gyud kui ga texan xD AHAH !!! i promised my self not to send replies to the messages of my crush. but just this morning, he kind'a text meeee and i kind'a replied. xD bwahahah !!! stupid me! haha ! hmmm~ just yesterday, we went to capistrano to find a good cocktail dress for my sister. i saw some college students of xavier in their NSTP thing~ and it kind'a made me think about college again. ughhhh~ i'm quite excited now :)) whooo. meet new people and have new subjects and have a new school. waaaah~ but it also makes me nervous too. thinking of college is actually bitter sweet. HAHAAH! i'm thinking of pizza too. HAHA. food again~ hmmm. outing too! HAHA ! i wanna swimmmmm .. aaaaand~ i'm thinking of going to the city cathedral anytime next week. i wanna have my quiet time there. it's been a long time since i had my quiet time. xD because my sister is staying in my room for the mean time. i'm quite excited about this. HAHA ! i have a lot to prayyy about ... i wanna watch the movie BURLESQUE. hahaha! i saw the trailer and it wa sooo coool~ haha !!! christina rocks !! :D i also wanna watch THE THREE IDIOTS again. this time, with my sister. hahah !! mmmm~ i wanna replace every meal by eating just bread and milk. HAHA !!! i wanna eat bread the whooole dayyy~ HAHA !!! na adik nako ug bread. plain bread. not with the butter and sugar. xD just bread HAHA !!! i'm also thinking about a friend that's out of track in her life. i can't do anything with her since she's kind'a busy with stuff that she fails to listen to meee. naks! hahaha !!! i actually haven't said a word to her. but~ i texted her last night, just to remind her that we still care. BUT, i haven't received any reply till now. maybe i'll just pray for herrr. it's the least that i could dooo. :) and ohhhh~ i haven't started making the farewell letters yet. o.O i was actually planning to start it today and continue in the following dayyyys~ but i'm stucked here . HAHA !! ohhh my gass~ HAHA !!! i wanna remind my self that i still have a crush on chad kroeger. HAHAHA ! i'm listening to taylor swift songs these days, and i'm afraid that chad might get jealous about it. (bwahahahhaha !! nabuang nako.) HAHA ! to chad: it's okaaay~ i'm still you number one fannn. HAHA !!! :D i'm also falling for somebody. xD HAHA !!!! its its its .... GOD! HAHAHA !!!! he' sooo sweet to me~ can't help my self from falling for himmmm. hahaha ~ soooooo much has been said already. bwahahah! till here~
♥ ♥ tine
Posted by Christine :) at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 4, 2011
i just feel like blogging .. because i actually i don't know what to do in the middle of the midnight. i'm alone here in the living room and everyone here is already asleep. there's a lot of things running through my mind NOW. a LOT. ughhh~ and i can't do anything with it. i can't spill the beans to anyone since it's too many to be spilled. i don't even know where to start if ever i share it with someone else.i guess i'm gonna burst out in no time. hmmm~ i'm all mixed up. i've tried everything to distract my self from thinking. i did the most hopeless measures like listening to upbeat songs, such as G6 and burn it to the ground.but none of it helped. what could i possibly doo? o.O i wanna sleep but i don't feel like sleeping.i wanna shut down this pc but i'm afraid that after shutting it down i'll pres the on button again. ugh! see?! i even sound weird in this blog post. what's happening to me for crying out loud!? i just had a good day today. i even blogged about it. but it took a drastic change at this very moment. i have to get better tomorrow. i have to get things in order again. organize the stuff in my mind and quit being mixed up.or maybe ignoring these thoughts would also be great help to me too. i can do this. . GO ME !
♥ ♥ tine
Posted by Christine :) at 8:27 AM 0 comments
one fridaay :)
whoooo~ (first blog post for the month of march)
although class was officially over last week, my peers and i had to go to school since today is the planned date for our youngest sister karren :)
i went to school wearing my favorite outfit (our school uniform). HAHAHA !! i LOVE wearing our uniform!. i can't see why some of my classmates prefer wearing civilian than wearing the prescribed uniform. HAHA ! well in fact they look better in wearing it xD LOL. okaaay~ enough with the uniforms. xDD
when i arrived in school naa ang mga taga orchid and they teased me .. LOYAL daw kaayo ko. HAHA! it was a bit ulaw, so i ran to our room. si kuya peds ra ug si michael and si garth naa didto. xD michael was in complete uniform too. awat awat gyud oie. nyahaha!
i felt so alone .. (char drama!) HAHA !!! i saw karren studying and like ni tapad ko sayaha kai wala na gyud koi nakita na people na pwd nako ma uban uban. HAHA! we chatted aboout some stuff and mi duol lang dayon ang mga g-boyz. well~ not all of them. kato rang mga mang.hud nako (peter, roldan, ralph, chumm, jerome,and na apil pod si rakasa ) xD naa man to si pj but nag exit. HAHA. nag tabi dayon mi xD HEHE. in fairness lingaw kaayo sila kauban. HEHE. then ni abot na dayon ilang student teacher. then ana dayon ko na ... "patay naa na inyong student teacher. mag class namo. ako nlng isa."
wa gyud ko nag expect sa ilang i respond. xDD ila kong gipa sit in unta sailang class. HAHA! they like said stuff na "sa room raka te. sa likod ra dayon ka ingkod" xDD it was really sweet xD naulaw na nuon ko. HAHA. i rejected their offer kai it seems sooo ulaw. HAHA ! anyways. nalingaw ko nila ~
after sa pre final exams nila karren, nag run pa si charlyn sa iyang errands about sa cash sa locker. langay gyud kaayo to na part. nag strong nako xD HAHA !! then~ we went to biaƱos. didto unta mi mag food trip. butt~ gamay kaayo ang space. HAHA !!! so we went back to ketkai grounds and settled in BFB :))
jukir pajod kaayo among pag kwenta2 sa kwarta kai patak patak man.. kulang ug six pesos. then wala gyuy ga volunteer ug donate ug six. HAHAHAH !! puro man tibook ang money. dili gusto ma :D HAHA !! jukir pajod tong hot sauce na feel kaayo nila na dili hot. XD HAHA! then after filling our stomach with pizza and a fruity drink we went to lkks. nag pang pang dayon mi xD maayo kaayo mi kai naka A+ mi sa both stages and as an award we get to play the bonus stage. HAHA !! nag basketball pajod mi xD wa ra ka abot ug 20 among na shot. HAHA ! we suck so much xD it was really fun to be with them ~
can't believe how blessed i am to know these people :)
♥ ♥ tine
Posted by Christine :) at 6:22 AM 0 comments