Saturday, January 8, 2011

finished :)

today i just finished reading the book i bought yesterday.

the book was really a good book
it talks about teen agers that took u-turns in their life. it was similar to the book i bought last year entitled "God allows U-turns". I came to a lot of realization as i went through the pages of the book. some pages made me cry since i could relate to some of the stories in there. Right after i finished reading the book from cover to cover i found my self praying to God to make me a better person. Because i knew my self enough to say that i haven't been a good child of God, and i have to make a change right now. I prayed that he would be with me as i do some changes in my life. i was serious this time.and i hope that i will be having a good journey with him this time. oh well~ i have to tell you about the last page of the book. in the last page of the book was a message from the author. The message was long but this caught my attention.

"If any of these stories have made you think a little differently about God, please share that with someone else. Remember -you are not on this journey alone. Connect with other people on your good days and your bad. You'll be helping each other more than you realize."

i guess that i could do the author of this book a little favor that she is asking. and an idea came to my mind that in this wall post i'd be sharing some good pints i read from the book. :)
i guess that would be enough .

"It's better to just find out who God made you to be and be that consistently"

"God uses the toughest times to mold us into people he wants us to be"

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen in temporary, but what is unseen is eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18)"

"As long as I give my life to God, I will never be more or less of a men he wants me to be"

"Illness comes because there is sin in the world, but God can use people for something in a beautiful way"

"I praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 138:14)"

"The Lord is close to the Broken Hearted"

there were really a lot of good points in the book but this is all that i could see by now. i'll be adding some if i see them as i flip back through the pages .

till here ..

     ♥ ♥ tine