Friday, January 7, 2011


on this day, i'm glad that i'm not that lazy anymore. 
buuuut still i was feeling sleepy in math time. haha ! 
we had no class the whole day since english class was canceled due to the search for the deserving student to receive the reward in of AY foundation thing ~ since sir sheen was one of the judges, math class was cancelled too. but sir sheen left a seat work for us to answer. gaaah ~  
i felt lazy again. haha ! 

since English class was cancelled the time was used for us to practice for the variety show that we have to present in MUST days. Taurine, Lorraine and Celine practiced some of the steps of "flip my hair" by willow smith. the song was really annoying because the lyrics keeps on repeating and basta. samok siya na kanta. haha !

here's the video they were watching so that they could learn the steps
Actually, I have to learn the steps too since i have to dance with them..
but it's kind'a hard. haha !!! :)
i'm having second thoughts in joining.

haaha! whatever ~
i'll decide on monday. haha !
hmmm . after lunch time i chatted with genelyn, elea, farrah and faith.
we talked about narnia and other stuff.

right after chatting with them, faith and i went to ket kai. nahaller kaayo mi ni mang.hod kai dag.han kaayo mga foreigner. weird ilang kadag.han this time. then we proceeded to the reason why gi adto mi ug ketz. which is to buy the cookie shaped mirror na gi sugo ni ate.right after buying that thing, we went to OMF. i decided to buy my self a birthday gift. hehe :) i had three choices. it was the book entitled "it's not about me" and the "xtreme faith" and "xtreme calling" but i ended up with the decision to buy the xtreme faith :)

wheee. i was happy nga naka buy ko again.
it's been a long time since i bought one.
and there were coupons given where in i discounts could be given to me if i present the coupon over the counter if ever i will buy another book. haha ! it made me wanna buy another one.

we had practice today but we did not danced. 
hehe ! instead. nag concert nalang mi ni jo..
we sang a lot of songs that sounded like a medley. hahaah!
i went home with ralph, mcville, clarissa, faith, claudian and sheila. hehe :) 
i had fun today :)

     ♥ ♥ tine